Established over 50 years ago, Hounslow & District Aquarist Society offers a wide range of interests for fishkeepers regardless of their level of experience.
Amongst the members are those well-practised in their chosen fishes -
some have built ponds, others are marine fanatics whilst the rest may just have a decorative tank in the lounge! Then there are the serious ones, always going on about what they've bred or what successes they've had at Shows around the country.
We're a sociable lot too, and during the year we have one or two favourite established outdoors activities which appeal to everyone:
We supply help to the Federation of
British Aquatic Societies' annual
Festival of Fishkeeping Weekend and the Middlesex Open Show.
It is from such Shows that we hope to attract new members.
During our meetings we provide a programme of varied
interests covering all aspects of fishkeeping; we have guest
speakers, competitive Table Shows and Bring & Buy Sales (often
in association with other Societies in the area) or activities
thought up by the members.
At our ANNUAL OPEN SHOW, we play host to other Societies bringing their fishes along to exhibit.
Hounslow's Recommended Top Shops
Which Fish to Keep?
Last updated December, 2024
You can contact us for latest Hounslow Society information at