Common Name
Species Name
Great Lake Trout (Char)
Salvelinus namaycush
Dolly Varden Char
Salvelinus malma
Danubian Salmon & Taimen
species of the genus Hucho
Marbled Trout
Salmo marmoratus
Pike species
species of the genus Esox
(excluding the native Esox lucius)
Perch species
species of the genus Perca
(excluding the native Perca fluviatilis)
Iberian Barbel
Barbus comiza
Sunbleak (Sundace), also known as
Belica or Motherless Minnow
Leucaspius delineatus
Freshwater Minnow,Dragon Fish or Pale Chub
Zacco platypus
Blacknose Dace
Rhinichthys atratulus
Northern Redbelly Dace
(Phoxinus/Chrosomus) eos
Southern Redbelly Dace
(Phoxinus/Chrosomus) erythrogaster
Fathead minnow (or Rosy-reds)
Pimephales promelas
Red Shiner
Cyprinella/Notropis lutrensis
Bass species
(including striped species of the genus Morone Bass,
White Bass and crosses) eg. hybrid Striped Bass
Small-mouth Bass
Micropterus dolomieu
Sunfish (also Basses,
species of the genus Lepomis
Crappies & Bluegills)
Weather fish
Misgurnus fossilis
Eastern Mudminnow
Umbra pygmaea
European Mudminnow
Umbra krameri
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Last updated April 26, 2002