There are a few important factors to consider when planning a pond

Site away from trees - too shady, possible problems with falling leaves, poisonous berries and liner-puncturing roots.
Ensure the pond will get full sunshine for most of the day, especially if you are looking forward to flowering Water-lilies.

To get an idea how the pond will look (and fit in with your existing garden layout) draw its intended outline on the ground with sand, or a piece of rope, and view it from the house (even from upstairs) before starting to dig.

It's nice to be able to see the pond from the house as it's even interesting in wintertime.

Always find out about any existing underground cables or pipes ahead of digging.

Whilst it is common practice to use excavated soil to build a rockery in which to hide the filtration system, make sure you have laid necessary electrical cables in buried plastic pipes to their destinations before you start piling up the soil!

Don't forget, various fish require different pond depths: refer to What Kind of Pond? for further details.

A vital contribution to the pond's final appearance (no matter if it is made from a sheet liner or a pre-formed shell) is to make sure it is LEVEL. Throughout the digging out stage KEEP CHECKING THE LEVEL. Bridge the hole end to end and from side to side with a plank, long piece or wood - or even a ladder - and place a spirit level on top. Time taken at this stage will avoid disappointment later.

What Kind of Pond?
Choosing a Liner
Will I need a Filter?
Fish & Plants
Dealing with Green Water Problems
Useful Facts & Tips

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Last updated January 17, 2002